Thursday 20 January 2011

Caracals update January 2011

Yoda's and Medusa's latest walk with Johannes and the volunteers was a busy one! The lucky group of volunteers got the chance to see Yoda and Medusa displaying their hunting skills. The two caracals found a tree full of birds and slowly made their way up the tree in a highly organised pincer movement towards the birds. Yoda was the first to attack, swiftly followed by Medusa, and both cats executed extremely accurate jumps giving the birds no chance to escape. Then, in true cat style, the caracals played with the poor birds for a while before they ate them.......has no-one ever told them that it is rude to play with your food!

After their bird snack it was time to take the caracals back to their enclosure and on the walk back Yoda and Medusa stopped suddenly and seemed highly interested in something moving behind the bushes, but were too afraid to investigate any further. So Johannes and the volunteer group had a closer look at what was in the bush and saw a snake. Johannes told the group that it was a black mamba snake, the most poisonous snake in Namibia. So it was very lucky that the carcals alerted the volunteers to the snake's presence and it also shows that the caracals have not lost any of their innate instinct for danger!

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