Thursday 16 September 2010

Our Caracals - Sept 10

Medusa and Cleo are still enjoying their daily walks with Johannes and our volunteers. Both enjoy running through the long grass chasing and catching mice and even though these two are in captivity there is nothing wrong with their stalking and hunting skills which goes to show they never lose those instincts!

Yoda and Godiva do not join them on the walks but they still enjoy time with the volunteers and staff who spend time inside the enclosure with them.

Although Yoda is still very shy and wary of people it’s clear his confidence is growing as he is becoming more and more interactive with people.

We also have a new addition to the caracal group although she does not stay with the other caracals. She was captured on a farm about 20km away from the sanctuary as she was catching young springbok. During the capture the gate to the capture cage fell on her foot and removed two toes in the process. We’re not sure if we can release her back into the wild, because she will struggle to catch her prey with her missing toes.

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