Tuesday 24 January 2012

Caracals - January 2012

Medusa and Godiva still enjoy their walks, and lately have had various encounters with our horses. Nothing happened, besides both species just looking at each other in surprise. 

On 17th December, Godiva escaped on one of her walks led by Abraham. She found something that caught her attention in a big bush, and it seemed impossible to get her interested in us, her cage, or even food. 

At the end, with the help of all volunteers, we were able lure her back into the cage and we were able to take her home with just a freight!

Yoda is still the world champion when it comes to jumps! We are thinking  of sending him to the 2012 Olympics in London!
Our two baby caracals, Rocky and Ivy, escaped in early December. They were spotted on the road just sheltering in the shade under a bush very close to Marlice's house. Marlice was just on her way out so she called Jo and Cila to get them.

By the time they got there, they could not find them anymore. The babies were due to be released at the end of December anyway as they are old enough to take care of themselves now, so we decided to leave them free already. Their camp had been lined with thorn bushes some weeks before but they escaped by moving one of the bushes away from the fence.

We do still see them almost every week, it is nice that they decided to stay close by and we are also able to monitor their health this way.

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